Solubilis is the leading trademark registration network in Salem. Protect your brand and do trademark registration with Solubilis. Trademark is a unique mark that acts as the identification mark of your business, product, or services. It is the mark of your trade and also it is the brand. You can choose the name, shape or the image as your mark. If you are trading anything at first you need to maintain a unique identity. Trademark registration really helps to protect that identity. The mark is the graphical representation used to distinguish goods and services from another. Using the trademark registration you can easily identify the related products and services. The attorneys of the trademark arrange the applications according to description of classes of goods and services. If the owner registers his trademark in Salem, he gets the property right from specific remedies. The owner gets some exclusive right in the mark. The process can be simplified by government and entrepreneurs and gets the registered brands within a few months.
Product being sold under the registered mark helps to build trust and goodwill in the customer minds and also lead new business opportunities.
The registered mark assures security and protection. You can legally approach in case of any violations. No one else can replace your assets.
The customers identify the product or service by their brand. Trademarks ensure legal rights of the proprietor from any kind of violations.
The trademark can act as the valuable assets of your product and services. The registered mark can be sold, licensed, and contracted.
The trademark can also file in and outside of India. Likewise, the foreigners can also apply for trademark registration in India.
The registered trademark can differentiate you from other competitors and organizations. It makes a unique impression on your products and services.
The trademark registration is valid for 10 years from the date of incorporation. We can renew too many extents as regarding the payment that we are providing.
Trademark registration is a long term process and it takes around 18-24 months without any objections. But we can use the TM symbol in just 1-2 hours after the filing.
R denotes the registered mark. You can use that symbol after your trademark registration certificate gets issued. Neither it will charge as an offense with penalty. Apart from this you can use the TM symbol to indicate that you are claimed the trademark rights over your brand.
When the status of your application shows Marked for Exams means the application has been assigned to an examiner. The trademark gets examined in accordance with the registrability under various sections of the Trademark Act.
is the evidence of your ownership of trademark
Registration covers the whole India and thus you can protect the mark over India.
Protect your mark from other violations
Get the one stop solution for the all the business registration and legal compliance with the support of Solubilis.